What is it?

Divine Healing is

  • a pure form of loving energy from God, given unconditionally to all who ask (regardless of your religion, sex, race, age, or cultural background),
  • usually carried out by placing hands above various parts of the body, done without making any physical contact to the body,
  • invisible for most people,
  • a form of energy that can work on many levels like the physical, spiritual, emotional and other levels, and
  • done face to face or over long distances with prior arrangement between you and myself during an agreed time. Distance healing is appropriate if you live far away and cannot attend a healing session in person.

Please note that Divine healing is not Reiki.

Everyone who has asked me for a healing has had a positive outcome. I make no claims or predictions about curing anything or anyone. I do not diagnose as I am not a medically trained doctor.

“The only person, who can cure you, is you!”

Anybody can ask for Divine Healing and they shall receive it.
There are no prerequisites and you don’t need to believe in God.

A Divine Healer is someone who, through their love and compassion channels or guides healing energy. The healing energy comes from God. The process begins when a person asks for a healing and gives me permission to lay my hands over them. A Divine Healer can assist healing in unison with a person’s doctor, oncologist, physiotherapist and so on. The Healer can be part of your team which assists you to heal.